The Zip code of Hinocho , Gamo-Gun , Shiga , Japan is 529-1600 .
The Zip code of Ryuocho , Gamo-Gun , Shiga , Japan is 520-2500 .
The Zip code of Higashiomi , Shiga , Japan is 527-0000 .
The Zip code of Hikone , Shiga , Japan is 522-0000 .
The Zip code of Koracho , Inukami-Gun , Shiga , Japan is 522-0200 .
The Zip code of Tagacho , Inukami-Gun , Shiga , Japan is 522-0300 .
The Zip code of Toyosatocho , Inukami-Gun , Shiga , Japan is 529-1100 .
The Zip code of Koka , Shiga , Japan is 528-0000 .
The Zip code of Konan , Shiga , Japan is 520-3200 .
The Zip code of Kusatsu , Shiga , Japan is 525-0000 .
The Zip code of Maibara , Shiga , Japan is 521-0000 .
The Zip code of Moriyama , Shiga , Japan is 524-0000 .
The Zip code of Nagahama , Shiga , Japan is 526-0000 .
The Zip code of Omihachiman , Shiga , Japan is 523-0000 .
The Zip code of Otsu , Shiga , Japan is 520-0000 .
The Zip code of Ritto , Shiga , Japan is 520-3000 .
The Zip code of Takashima , Shiga , Japan is 520-1100 .
The Zip code of Yasu , Shiga , Japan is 520-2300 .
The complete Zip codes of Shiga, Japan
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