The Zip code of Hamada , Shimane , Japan is 697-0000 .
The Zip code of Iinancho , Iishi-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 690-3200 .
The Zip code of Izumo , Shimane , Japan is 693-0000 .
The Zip code of Tsuwanocho , Kanoashi-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 699-5600 .
The Zip code of Yoshikacho , Kanoashi-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 699-5500 .
The Zip code of Masuda , Shimane , Japan is 698-0000 .
The Zip code of Matsue , Shimane , Japan is 690-0000 .
The Zip code of Okuizumocho , Nita-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 699-1500 .
The Zip code of Kawamotomachi , Ochi-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 696-0000 .
The Zip code of Misatocho , Ochi-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 699-4600 .
The Zip code of Onancho , Ochi-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 696-0100 .
The Zip code of Oda , Shimane , Japan is 694-0000 .
The Zip code of Amacho , Oki-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 684-0400 .
The Zip code of Chibumura , Oki-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 684-0100 .
The Zip code of Nishinoshimacho , Oki-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 684-0300 .
The Zip code of Okinoshimacho , Oki-Gun , Shimane , Japan is 685-0000 .
The Zip code of Unnan , Shimane , Japan is 690-2400 .
The Zip code of Yasugi , Shimane , Japan is 692-0000 .
The complete Zip codes of Shimane, Japan
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